Wednesday, November 30, 2016

DAY 3 -- I'm Alive!!

Day 3 – November 30, 2016 – Cleanse Day

8:00 A.M. – Had my daily Ionix—I do kinda like it, it tastes like a fruity spice tea.  I drink it hot and it’s comforting and soothing on a cold morning.  Then the Cleanse For Life drink, the first of four today.  Meh.  It tastes kinda like fruit punch (not my favorite flavor).  It’s not horrible.  But it’s not fantastic.  Fortunately I only have to drink about half a cup of it and I just down it real quick.  No gross aftertaste.

10:00 A.M. – Feeling a little hungry.  Had a couple of those chalky snack wafers and chased 'em down with a few of Ridley’s apple slices.  Satisfied my hunger surprisingly well.

Noon --  Drank the second serving of Cleanse.  Blah.  Also had a chalky wafer.  I’m supposed to use those as snacks throughout the day.  They’re really not awful, I’m kinda getting used to them.  And weirdly enough, I feel like I just had lunch.  Halfway through the day, I’m thinking I’m gonna get through this!  I ordered some of the Whey Thins, hoping they’re like a savory cracker, that I can use as a Cleanse Day snack.  They should be delivered this afternoon.  I forgot to put my water bottle next to my workspace so I haven’t had enough water today.  Getting on that right now.

3:00 – Got the Whey Thins... they’re pretty good!  I’d rather have a handful of Pringles or Cheezits, but they are tasty and they satisfied my craving for something salty.  Downed the third Cleanse and a couple more wafers.  They must be an acquired taste, I don’t mind them so much anymore.  It’s like someone took a spoonful of hot cocoa mix and compressed it into a tablet.

6:00 – Day 3 done!  Just finished the fourth Cleanse drink, and also had a wafer and shared an IsaDelights salted caramel chocolate with Brittany (she loves them).  They’re not much bigger than a postage stamp but surprisingly filling.  I actually feel pretty good!  I expected to be falling down dizzy starving by now, but nope.  They say this is about nourishment and detoxifying, not starvation.  That’s why they allow the healthy low-calorie snacks and lots of water.  I’m not saying I want to do this every day, but maybe 2-4 times a month, no problem.  I might be a little hungry again by bedtime but I can have a little snack then and should be fine.

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